Everyone joins NASMM as a Provisional member. In fact, we prefer you join NASMM before you launch your business! OUR business is to get you started in YOUR Move Management business...and to help you grow!
Whether you're in the business planning/start-up phase of your move management business or already have an established business, you will join NASMM as a Provisional member.
Provisional membership gives you access to most (but not all) NASMM member benefits. The goal is to become a full Professional member.
Once you provide NASMM with all of the requirements for Professional membership: 1) We will email the NASMM logo to you; 2) You will be listed on the NASMM Find A Move Manager section of the website; 3) You will be eligible to vote in NASMM elections.
To become a full Professional Member, NASMM requires the following:
Upon receipt of all membership requirements, you will be elevated to full Professional membership and will be listed on the Find A Move Manager section of the website.