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Industry Partner Membership

Join the association representing the finest Senior & Specialty Move Managers in the US, Canada and abroad!

The National Association of Senior & Specialty Move Managers (NASMM) is the only non-profit, professional association in North America devoted to helping the rapidly increasing 55+ population with middle and later lifestyle and transition issues. NASMM members are committed to maximizing the dignity and autonomy of older adults, whether they are transitioning from one living environment to another, or downsizing and de-cluttering to remain at home.

With over 1000 members in North America and abroad, NASMM strives to facilitate the physical and emotional aspects of relocation for older adults by increasing industry awareness, establishing a national referral network of senior move managers, enhancing the professional competence of members, and promoting the delivery of Senior Move Management services with compassion and integrity.

Senior & Specialty Move Managers represent a fast growing specialization within the field of aging. NASMM members view our Industry Partners as more than just vendors. You are partners in creating the future of Senior Move Management. NASMM Industry Partner participation offers your company extraordinary opportunities to connect with NASMM members and build your business throughout the year. As a NASMM Industry Partner, you will increase your visibility within NASMM's membership and the thousands of clients they serve while improving your credibility as an industry expert and partner. And, you gain bottom-line savings from members-only discounts and promotions, resulting in an immediate return on investment.

Don't miss out on these member benefits, discounts and much more — join today and see how fast your membership pays for itself!

NASMM Industry Partner Membership Benefits Include:

  • Listing on the NASMM Website Industry Partners Page
  • Introduction in the NASMM's monthly newsletter, Moving Matters
  • NASMM Moving Matters subscription
  • Three (3) email blasts sent through NASMM's communication system — content subject to approval
  • Excel file with NASMM member contact information
  • Discounted participation in NASMM events including NASMM's Annual Conference and Expo - our 2025 Annual Conference will be held October 16-19 at the Fairmont Hotel, Dallas.
  • Opportunities for increased visibility through participation in NASMM's Premier Partner Program
  • Editorial submission opportunities — content subject to approval
  • Opportunities to develop webinars to promote your products and services

NASMM Industry Partner Membership:

Industry Partner Membership Dues: $695 annually

Industry Partner Membership + Annual Conference Expo: $2200 This package includes one year of membership, a booth at NASMM's 2025 Annual Conference (October 16-19 at the Dallas Fairmont Hotel) and two (2) full conference registrants. 

How Do I Join?

To join NASMM, click here to access the online membership form. Payment is expected at the time of joining. NASMM accepts Visa, MasterCard and Discover & American Express.


Contact Jennifer Pickett at or 248.442.5859.

*Any organization offering a training program must submit their training materials to the NASMM Board of Directors for review. Please contact NASMM for more information.

Contact Us

PO Box 209, Hinsdale, IL 60522
Phone: 248.442.5859   |   Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm ET | Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm ET   |   Find a Senior or Specialty Move Manager®   |   Become a Senior or Specialty Move Manager®