education and training

Certification for Senior Move Managers

TIP: Please scroll to the bottom of this page for SMM~C Renewal Information!

Senior Move Manager® - Certified

  • NASMM'S Senior Move Manager®-Certified (SMM-C) is the ONLY certification program designed exclusively for Senior Move Managers®.
  • The SMM-C is the only credential based upon both knowledge and experience.
  • Additionally, the SMM-C is the only certification program for Senior Move Managers® offered by a professional, non-profit trade association.

Why You Should Pursue the SMM-C

  • Professional certification serves as a mark of professional achievement.
  • In a market requiring skilled professionals, certification distinguishes you from your competition, providing you with market advantage.
  • Certification exemplifies an expanded knowledge of essential operation and client service issues unique to Senior Move Management.
  • Certification provides an extra measure of credibility and authority both within and outside the profession.
  • Certification demonstrates to your clients and referral sources you are committed to professional development.

Knowledge + Experience = SMM-C

The SMM-C combines the successful completion of nine (9) rigorous, competency-based courses along with our basic Cornerstone Courses (required of ALL members).

SMM-C Knowledge Requirements:

Four (4) NASMM Cornerstone Courses (required of ALL members):

  • Move Management Safety
  • Ethics & Accountability in Senior Move Management
  • The Moving Industry 101
  • Contracts and Liability

Nine (9) Additional Certification Courses for the SMM-C Certification:

  • Before They Call You
  • It's Real: Relocation Stress Syndrome
  • Managing Client Expectations
  • Client's Physical and Cognitive Needs: Enhance Your Approach
  • Let It Go! The Psychology of Holding Family Treasures
  • Communicating with Our Most Difficult Clients
  • This Chair Rocks with Ashton Applewhite
  • Using a Positive Approach to Dementia Care
  • Is It Chronic Disorganization or Hoarding?

SMM-C Experience Requirements:

  • Proof of forty (40) invoiced Senior Move Management projects. Upon purchasing the SMM-C application, you will be provided access to an Excel spreadsheet which requires you to document the following:
    • Project Start Date
    • Project End Date
    • Customer Last Name
    • Job Location Zip
    • Total Hours
    • Services Provided (must include at least two of the following):
      • Space Planning
      • Sorting/Downsizing
      • Packing
      • Arranging for Disposition of Possessions
      • Move Management
      • Aging in Place Services
      • Resettling New Home

SMM-C Fees:

Three (3) distinct fees are associated with pursuing NASMM's highly regarded SMM-C certification. 
1. Application Fee
2. Cornerstone Courses (4 courses)
3. Certification Coursework Bundle (9 courses)

*** Most NASMM members purchase the Cornerstone Courses upon joining NASMM because these courses are required to move from Provisional Member status to General Member status. Thus, these individuals have already met a good portion of the certification requirements early on in membership. This is also the reason why (if you're wondering!) the Cornerstone Courses are purchased separately from the 9-course Certification Coursework Bundle. Makes sense, right?

Application Fee:

  • NASMM Member: $399 (3-year certification)
  • Non-Member: $699 (3-year certification)


NASMM Cornerstone Coursework Fees:

  • NASMM Members: $69 per course or $189 for the 4-course bundle 
  • Non Members: $169 per course - no bundled option


NASMM Certification Course Bundle Fees:

  • NASMM Members: $59 per course or $299 for the nine (9) course bundle.
  • Non Members: $99 per course


Renewal Information

Renewal Fee:

Renewal Requirements:

1.  CE Renewal Requirements (over the three year renewal)

45 Continuing Education credits are required for renewal. 

2.  CEs must be a minimum of 30 minutes as a baseline, and then can be counted in 15 minute increments (e.g., 45 minutes, 1hour 15 minutes).  This metric is based on the idea that one continuing education unit is equivalent to one hour of education.

3.  Accepted CEs may be any of the following:

a.  NASMM conference session attendance 

b.  Watching NASMM conference recordings

c.  Any NASMM online course offering

d.  Outside organizations’ live presentations or online courses in the following topics

i.  Leadership (including finance, HR, employment issues, marketing and sales, process improvement)

ii.  Move management (including downsizing, organizing, packing, decorating, working with movers and other vendors, alternative revenue streams)

iii.  Aging topics

iv.  Safety

v.  Client communication and interactions

vi.  Technology

vii.  Ethics

e.  Proof of CEs, course completion or attendance should be submitted; if not, notes from coursework could serve as proof of attendance

f.  Presentations given by the SMM-C requesting renewal receive double credit value. (e.g., an SMM-C presenting a one-hour webinar (on behalf of NASMM) will earn 2.0 credits towards SMM-C renewal, rather the attendee value of 1.0 credit.)


        *** Twenty-five (25) units of the forty-five (45) required CE units must be obtained directly from NASMM conferences or other NASMM courses, such as webinars

          *** The remaining twenty (20) CE units may be obtained from other agencies, organizations, etc. outside of NASMM.  1) The outside course or presentation must be directly related to your work as a move manager and 2) You must submit a verification attendance form from that agency or organization for NASMM approval. 

           *** You are welcome, of course, to submit all forty-five (45) required units over the 3-year period from NASMM as well. Between NASMM annual conference attendance, and/or the purchase of annual conference recordings, and many complimentary webinars throughout the year, most NASMM members will find it relatively easy to fulfill the 45 required CEs for the 3-year renewal period.

          *** There is a 3-year window for ALL courses (NASMM courses & education programs outside of NASMM) to be considered eligible for certification documentation. 

That is, your submitted documentation (proof) to support your certification renewal must fall within the last 3-year period, e.g. you may not submit coursework from the NASMM 2021 conference in 2025. In 2025, all documentation must be from 2022 & later. Thank you!


Contact Us

PO Box 209, Hinsdale, IL 60522
Phone: 248.442.5859   |   Monday - Thursday, 9:00 am - 5:00 pm ET | Friday, 9:00 am - 1:00 pm ET   |   Find a Senior or Specialty Move Manager®   |   Become a Senior or Specialty Move Manager®